ZDResearch Anti PHP Malware is a cutting-edge PHP malware detector. It uses hybrid analysis to understand the behavior of the PHP code, along with Emulization to exercise highly obfuscated parts of the code. Our scientific publications have shown that it is capable of detecting metamorphic PHP malware at a rate of 98%, without any false positives.
This malware detector is based on Dr. Naderi‘s research on dynamic program analysis, and has successfully scanned more than 20 terabytes of files so far, detecting thousands of malware that have been neglected by non-behavioral antivirus and malware detector tools.
The product is currently in beta mode, and is not available to the public. If you’d like to obtain the product, please contact us. We expect Anti PHP Malware to be available to public by February 2019, available as a web service, which can be exercised independently or via an agent. Using the agent would require subscriptions.