support_usHello all,

Our analysis service just went online!

In many years of volunteer service and releasing a lot of vulnerability details, we received a lot of emails regarding commercial vulnerability analysis and exploit development services. We believe it’s now the time for our long anticipated service to go online, and also to remind you that we are just a focused startup and not a giant security products vendor, so we rely heavily on your invaluable support so that we can provide you with our quality work frequently.

Our new website is the result of countless hours of work by our dedicated employees, and we are proud of our in-house customer management system which is secure and very capable. We have analyzed a handful of noteworthy vulnerabilities in both binary and web application worlds  and have composed complete analyses as well as reliable exploits/signatures for every company that may need them, just purchase our membership and download the packages.

We will frequently add to our collection, and a number of 10 analysis packages per month are guaranteed. You can browse list of currently available packages here. On top of that, you can download sample reports from our resources page.

At your convenience, we invite you to watch videos of our sample reports via following URLs:

BA 001 : Reliable Exploitation Of Flash player 10.x 11.x Regexp Heap overflow (CVE-2013-0634)

WA 001 : Reliable Exploitation Of Joomla! 3.0.2 SQL Injection Serialization Flaw (CVE-2013-1453

To show appreciation and kick-start our services, we are providing 30% discounts on membership fees for our first three customers, so do not hesitate to join us.

Thanks for all your support.




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